Understanding PIP Coverage

Florida is a no-fault state for auto insurance, which does not mean nobody is at fault for an accident. It does, however, mean that all motorists licensed in Florida must carry “no-fault insurance” or, more appropriately, personal injury protection (PIP) coverage on their car insurance policy. In an accident, you file your initial claim under your PIP coverage with your insurer, not the other driver’s.

Understanding PIP coverage is vital to pursuing your claim and getting the compensation you deserve. Let’s explore what PIP coverage is, how it will affect your personal injury claim in Florida, and how Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A. can help.

What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage?

PIP coverage is a form of insurance on your policy that allows you to start your injury claim quickly. After an accident in Florida, you begin your personal injury claim with your insurance provider under your PIP policy. PIP insurance allows you to receive up to 80% of your medical expenses and 60% of your lost income, and up to $5,000 in death benefits.

To register and drive a motor vehicle in Florida (excluding motorcycles), you must carry a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection benefits and $10,000 in property damage liability benefits. Liability is different from PIP. It covers the damage to someone else’s property if you are in an accident that was your fault.  

Understanding the PIP Claims Process

The PIP claims process begins when you inform your insurance company of the accident. Do this as soon as possible. The company’s representative can talk you through how to start the claims process. You may be able to do this over the phone or online. Check with the insurer about the documentation you must provide, including medical bills, receipts or invoices, and evidence of lost wages and income.

Your insurance company will pay your medical bills directly and issue payment for your lost wages up to the maximum available coverage on your property. In some cases, the PIP policy will coordinate with your regular healthcare to cover your bills. 

It is also important to understand that Florida has a 14-day law. This states that to collect PIP coverage benefits for medical expenses, you must receive initial medical treatment within 14 days of the accident. This is why it is vital to get medical attention immediately, even at the accident scene. 

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Dealing With the Insurance Company

Unfortunately, insurance companies often seek reasons to deny PIP claims. This is why taking the proper steps after a car accident is essential, like collecting evidence, exchanging information and getting medical attention. 

Insurance companies use many tactics to deny or reduce claims. They might claim that you are not as injured as you say. They could try to claim that you do not have the proper documentation to support your claim or that the treatment you need is not covered. In some cases, they might even claim that the accident was your fault. 

If your claim is denied, understand that you still have options, and it is not the end of the line. You should immediately contact Tom Ueberschaer, P.A., for help. If your claim is denied, Tom can help you to fight back. He has strategies to negotiate a settlement and can stand up to insurance company denial tactics.

Let Tom Guide You after a Car Accident

If you have been in a Florida car accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you understand PIP coverage and protect your rights. Tom Ueberschaer can navigate the complex legal system and protect your rights. He will conduct a thorough investigation to determine fault and contributing factors. He can then use this information to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

Tom will fight to maximize your compensation and meet your needs while providing guidance, support and peace of mind. Tom will represent you every step of the way, and if you do not get paid, neither does he. If you have been hurt in a car accident, contact Tom Ueberschaer, P.A., at 850-434-8778 or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation today.