Should I Accept What the Insurance Company is Offering?

If you were injured in a car accident, you should first discuss your injuries with a car accident lawyer in Pensacola, Florida before you talk to the insurance company. Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A. can review your case details and tell you if you should accept the offer from the insurance company.

We also help you with medical management and ensure you see the right doctors. Our law firm refers you to specialists based on your needs so you understand the extent of your injuries and options for treatment. We don’t just bill your insurance and move you through this process quickly. Instead, our legal team helps you understand why you’re hurting and the extent of the damage and takes the time to find out what your injuries are and the amount of compensation we should go after for you.

Until you go through a thorough evaluation, you will not understand what a reasonable offer is. After seeing specialists, you will also know not just the extent of the damage but how it will affect your life overall. This is not just about settling your case; it’s about making sure you get the compensation you deserve that considers current injuries, future issues and how your quality of life and career are affected.

Call 850-741-7381 and receive a free case review to get started with your case.

You Are Not Obligated to Talk to the Insurance Company First

After a car accident, the at-fault party’s insurance company may attempt to contact you. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to pick up the phone when they call. You are not legally obligated to speak with the insurance company. Furthermore, anything you say to the adjuster may be held against you when assessing your claim. 

Your first phone call should be to our law office in Pensacola, Florida. There are several reasons for this:

  • Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A. will answer any questions and address concerns about the claim.
  • We will communicate with the insurance company on your behalf.
  • By consulting our law firm, you may avoid accidentally incriminating yourself.
  • Once you agree to a settlement, you can’t back out of it.
  • You may miss out on compensation that you didn’t know you were entitled to.

The insurance adjuster represents their company, shareholders and their clients — not you. At Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A., we represent you and always have your best interests in mind. Before speaking with the insurance company, let us help you navigate the claims process with a free phone call and case analysis.

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Get the Compensation You Deserve for Your Damages

One reason you should not accept the insurance company’s first offer without speaking to an attorney is that the insurer may not compensate you for all your damages. You may not know what damages you are eligible to claim. Our legal team can assess all your economic and non-economic damages. You may be able to account for losses such as:

Medical Bills

You may incur numerous medical expenses such as ER visits, medical procedures, recovery room stays, prescriptions, rehabilitation, or disability.

Lost Pay

Did you miss several days of work during recovery? If so, you may be able to account for lost wages or benefits. If you are disabled, you may also be eligible to calculate lost future earning capacity.

Noneconomic Damages

The insurer or court may also award you non-economic damage such as loss of quality of life, pain and suffering, emotional turmoil or loss of consortium. 

Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A. will negotiate a settlement with the insurance company to get you the maximum compensation possible. You should not have to pay if someone else’s negligence or careless actions led to your car accident.

How Our Law Firm Can Help You with Your Case

At Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A., we are dedicated to protecting your legal rights under Florida law. Therefore, we will work tirelessly to help you win your personal injury case. Our legal team provides legal services such as:

  • Filing a claim against the other party or their insurance company
  • Managing your entire case from start to finish
  • Engaging with the insurance company and all related parties on your behalf
  • Negotiating a fair settlement and helping you receive maximum compensation
  • Representing you in court if you file a lawsuit

We will continue to fight for your rights until you get the compensation you deserve for all of your damages. 

Find Out What Your Claim Is Worth. Call for a Free Case Review.

When you are ready to move forward with your case, we are here to help you every step of the way. Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A., provides comprehensive legal services for victims of car accidents in Florida. Contact us today to get started with your claim.

We will answer your questions, address your concerns and work on your behalf to take on the insurance companies. To schedule a free case evaluation, call us at 850-741-7381.